UDG Player Controller Test V25

- Changed raptor attack style. Added raptor pouncing (WIP) Instakill

- Added raptor Jumping animation during persuit and improved traversal mechanics

- Changed player camera settings

- Misc fixes

Known Issues:

- Stealth furnature accidentally made hard to get under

- Sometimes limbs will clip and cause the ragdoll to spaz out 

- Stamina and Blood systems are a WIP

- AI will sometimes detect you while you're inside of a safety tunnel

- Player Can get stuck in tunnel (rare)

- AI will walk through closed/locked doors

- AI will sometimes get stuck without an animation for a few seconds

  before returning to normal

- AI is a work in progress

- AI harder to evade. Still somewhat easy

Todo list:

-Hud? Minimal/None?

- Stamina System   WIP

-Blood FX  WIP

-More advanced AI(Think Alien)

-Better animations

-much more....


UDG-Controller-TestV25.zip 143 MB
72 days ago

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